In this episode of The 2030 Podcast Show, it is just myself as a solo podcaster, Sgt. Fred, to discuss how the trend today is being promoted by the radical left, the Democrats and the New World Order to implement and continue a mass formation psychosis — mainly caused by the corrupt lame-stream media and the democrats who want to gain power at any cost and maintain power to implement a New World Order of socialism.

For a review of this psychosis, there is a post on that describes the work of Dr. Robert Malone in explaining this:

“On December 30, 2021, Malone claimed on the The Joe Rogan Experience podcast that something called “mass formation psychosis” was developing in American society in its reaction to COVID-19 just as during the rise of Nazi Germany.[39][40] … On January 3, 2022, Congressman Troy Nehls entered a full transcript[2][43] of The Joe Rogan Experience interview with Malone into the Congressional Record in order to circumvent what he said was censorship by social media.”

So this type of hypnosis is being promoted by the lame stream media, the democrats and others who want to censor anything and everything promoted by people who want to stick to the constitution of the USA and reject (without discussion) any opposing views or discussion.

This mass formation psychosis revealed itself in the 1920s to 1940s when the German population followed without question the ominous biddings and beliefs of Adolf Hitler, especially from his book, Mein Kempf. As a matter of fact, there are 2 works that describe this in detail over the span of hundreds of pages:

Although these books go back certain decades, the description of the hypnosis of the German people do resemble the mass formation psychosis that the USA is coping with today — all promoted by the radical left and the Democrats who espouse the New World Order and censorship for any and all information that promotes free speech and giving a voice to all sides.

For us, this is ridiculous. And is so avidly described in the books by Shirer et al., above, this type of hypnotism can engulf not only followers to a CULT, but also the uneducated (such as the illegal aliens and some minorities) and dummied-down subjects being taught CRT in the public schools today. That is why the radical left embraces this type of illogical demand to their audience to embrace the content of the hypnotic mass formation psychosis memes.

Now, in this show, we have already discussed what it is in detail, and how mass formation psychosis is a threat and danger to those people who want to think for themselves and make their own decisions — especially using the arguments promoted due to the sham-demic or scam-demic or planned-demic of the virus crisis of 2020 and 2021.

Now, as for the imposter syndrome, this situation arises when an individual does not have belief in his own capabilities, but perceives that he does not DESERVE or has not earned a position in life or a reputation for accomplishments or successes. And this is the fear that the radical left is preying upon.

Now, we dealt with this theme from the viewpoint of podcasters and entrepreneurs earlier, and we actually had a podcast episode created about how to address this imposter syndrome in your life and move forward past its obstacles. This was an episode that was published in one of our other podcast shows, and here is an audio player with the content of that episode (so you can be more aware of what it is and how to deal with it) — and it deals with a definition of imposter syndrome and how to deal with it to overcome it, albeit in the world of podcasting:


So for us here today, we can see how this can be accomplished more easily if you have an ignorant or uneducated series of “slaves” that will not have any self-education or self-reliance or self-determination, as is here in the USA. As is described in a post in The Epoch Times called “Critical Race Theory: Dumbing Down Education Key to Dismantling America: Alex Newman,” the article emphasizes that a basic moronic and retard-like attitude by the public will give the democrats and the world elites the control that they want (especially when helped by the lame-stream media and the medical drugs):

“This new system is described as a multipolar world order as opposed to the current unipolar world order where the United States is the undisputed sole superpower and the hegemonic force in world affairs today, Newman explained. To achieve this goal the United States must be undermined not just economically, but also intellectually and militarily.

“[This will] allow other nations to be built up, other governments, especially the Communist Chinese government, to grow in prestige and influence in economic prowess for the purpose of really drastically reshaping the world order into this, what they call the multipolar order, where Russia and China and the so-called BRICS [five countries] like Brazil and India will be kind of on an equal standing with the United States.”

And so that is why the public school system of education in the USA is now promoting and teaching CRT and not teaching the children the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic (and other high-tech courses) in the way that other nations are now promoting them, so that they can compete with the United States.

Thank you for your attention.

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