In this episode of The 2030 Podcast show, we remember “…a day of infamy….” That is, we have remembrance of December 7, 1941, as the sneak attack by the Japanese empire brought the USA into World War II with the tragedy of Pearl Harbor — with both lives lost and a navy crippled.

For this episode, again, it is just myself, Sgt Fred, going solo for you. As a veteran of the Vietnam War, I am humbled by the sacrifices of those WWII veterans to have made this country avoid the tyranny of the Japanese, the Germans and the Axis powers during that conflict of the 20th century. And it is ironic that we are now fighting another war against the tyranny of the radical left, the ideology of the Bo-Jiden administration and the attempted forced jabs by the democrats. I certainly hope that we can defeat this type of tyranny and keep our civil liberties and freedoms strong and alive.

For a veteran, Pearl Harbor has the significance of both sneaky, slimy, evil and corrupt people doing damage against the citizenry. And what is done today and for the next several years can make some of the trends to 2030 look more positive for us during these “times that try men’s souls.”

On one aspect of the virus crisis and the sham-demic, or scam-demic or planned-demic (call this hoax what you will), we see that the idea from WWII of what was done to the dangerous race of the Japanese Americans on the West Coast is being brought back (in addition to the concentration camps from WWII of political opponents and those challenged by health and gypsies, etc.). And these are the INTERNMENT CAMPS across the USA — which today will be called by the left as “re-education camps, FEMA camps and other names such as quarantine camps, etc.” — are now becoming a possible weapon by the radical left against any citizen that is avoiding the jabs (due to the very serious complications that result from the jabs) and then becoming politicized.

Although we see this starting to happen in places like Australia (in their beginnings of control), we hope that this will NOT happen in the USA for two reasons:

  • 1. The system of legal courts in the USA are staying the Bo-Jiden mandates. And this is because the legal system is realizing that the executive branch of the federal government has no power to create laws — for this is the job of the legislature, and not just a tyrannical executive like Bo-Jiden, just because he wants to act like a king. In fact more courts are now delaying his mandate for jabs and some even calling for a constitutional reason for delaying or overturning the mandates; and
  • As long as the USA still has the second amendment, the right to bear arms is there to protect the populace from government overreach. This is something that the founding fathers established so that the grievances from Great Britain during the colonial period will not rise up again — like the quartering of military in their homes and other atrocities. For, as you know, the USA population is perhaps the best equipped “armed force” in the world, and if a rebellion does occur, the government will not stand a chance against the populace. All you have to do is see what federal government control will do after they disarm the population — such as was done in Australia, as now the Aussies have no way to oppose the government except by words.

So, we make one more analogy to Pearl Harbor and its memories on this day. And that is that the USA was totally unprepared for war — the country ranked as number 17 on the list of militaries in the world in 1941, and the USA was caught off guard. But coming together to fight a common enemy had the USA grow and become the strongest nation in the world and have its economy boom to provide a great standard of living for its citizens and veterans.

The same could be said here — we may be in the throws of the radical left trying to dumb us down and make us unprepared for the war that the radical left is trying to wage against us all, so that they can be in control of a marxist state (such as what the BLM movement and idiots like Bernie Sanders want us to be). We oppose this, and I strongly urge the Americans NOT to give up their rights under the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

And finally, we shall touch upon the crime rate and situation in shit-hole states like California, etc. (where the organized looting and rampage of stores occurred during the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend). For my point of view, we are in a CHRISTMAS season, and we did have a THANKSGIVING holiday — and I will never succumb to the woke idea of calling them “holiday-season” (as was done by Obama) or “Friendsgiving Day” (as is being promoted by the radical left). They always have been, for me, Thanksgiving and Christmas. And the hell with anyone who does not like that — they can go fly a kite in their back yard, for all I care.

And we definitely enjoy having our co-host back with us — thanks for your contribution, Matt Cox. And we wish to thank Adam Curry and John C Dvorak for their deconstruction of the events in The No Agenda Show podcast, as well as the podcasts, such as those featuring Darren O’Neill.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Adam Curry and John C Dvorak. All rights reserved.