In this episode of the 2030 Podcast show, we discuss the topics that seem to be growing and causing trends in the Supreme Court and liability in the social media and the overreach of the federal government in having outreach programs to stick jabs of unsafe vaccines into the arms of Americans, as well as others.

  • Recently, the Supreme Court had ruled that the objections of the far radical left to the voting laws of states like Arizona, Georgia, etc. were unfounded, and that these states do have the right to set up laws to prevent fraud — and that no citizen will be disenfranchised due to what the left calls “racist” in requiring and ID, etc. This is a positive step forward for the protection of the one-man-one-vote counting of votes, instead of fraudulent travelling voters casting ballots in multiple sites, as well as proving that you are allowed to vote. We see this trend continuing, now that the Supreme Court had a 6 to 3 majority decision on this.
  • The Courts are also trending to curb the illegal activities of the social media monsters — a clear example is that of Texas, who has decided recently that the face-bag can be held liable for human trafficking. This should start a downhill curve for both members and advertisers, alike. And we see other states now attaching liability to this.
  • The said news is that, with taxpayer funded moneys, Bo-Jiden is putting together the “canvassers” that will be going door-to-door to enforce “vaccination” of the unsafe jabs to those who have not yet gotten the needle. Besides being an unlawful approach to the rights of citizens, the manipulated government of Bo-Jiden is now trying to set up shop in shopping malls, stores, etc., and then have the canvassers see who is and is not receiving the “vaccines” — sounds like the Democrat party is turning into the Gestapo for the USA, right?? Will he go as far as the use of the military to enforce vaccinations?
    They are already legislating to do something very much like enforced compliance in areas like Australia.
  • In fact, the trend to 2030 is for some of the woke states to place a “vaccinated” proof on the drivers’ licenses of their citizens. That is one of the final straws similar to the SS of Nazi Germany. Is this going to be a trend to determine who will wear the Star of David on their sleeves and coats, like the Jews of Europe in the 1930s for Nazi-occupied territories? These can only look like shades of tyranny for the pre-WWII events that put the Nazis in total control of the peoples of the world. We hope that certain states will NOT allow this sort of thing to happen, and that the rights of the individuals will continue.
  • After the pathetic speech given by Bo-Jiden on the crime in the USA, where the meathead president blamed all violence on gun dealers and said he would “crack down” on them, the violence has increased — especially in the states and cities controlled by the Democrats with their woke agendas (but, of course, he never mentioned that). And so, now, it is clear that many of the states will become sanctuary states for the 2nd amendment. As a matter of fact, more than 20 states are asking the Supreme court to rule that the 2nd amendment should be protected just as written, and not as the democrats want to interpret it to mean such stupid things like “forbid the weapons outside the home” (as they tried to do in Hawaii).
  • And the battle for acceptance of the crypto-currencies and digital currencies will continue. After we get a chance to do more research on this, we should have some perspective of what could occur in the trends to 2030.
In the meantime, we have to be thankful to both Darren O’Neill and Ryan Bemrose of the Grumpy Old Bens podcast show for their support, and we are also grateful to Adam Curry and John C Dvorak of the No Agenda show for their deconstruction of the events which really does provide sanity in the world of the woke lies and forced manipulation by the democrats and the lame-stream media. We appreciate that our episodes are broadcast on the for all to consume.
Thank you for your attention.

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