In this episode of the 2030 Podcast show, we discuss the possible trends of extremes and the shifting from one side to the either of the political and financial spectrum, as well as the attitudes of the upcoming and current generations toward 2030.

By this, we speak about the possible outcomes of the current generation of youngsters and how they would affect the outcome in 2030 for us all, as opposed to a possible shift to a bright generation that would not be subject nor influenced by the woke ideals and the political ideology that has so ruined the culture and economy for the rest of us.

We are now going to an extreme toward the radical left, where Marxists and communists are not afraid to voice their support for a totalitarian government lead by the democrats. And the questions we ask are:

  • where did all this start? and where is it going?
  • can there be a shift back to the right or at least to the middle of the road?
  • will people allow themselves to be fooled and controlled by the left like sheep in 2030?
  • will people be able to see a bright generation of freedom-loving people win out in the race of woke vs. common sense and respect?
  • will the people allow themselves to be at the whims of the democrats as they abuse power and abuse the people with their ideologies that allow only the elites (like Pelosi, Biden, Harris, Kerry, Schumer, etc.) to prosper and have anything they wish?
  • will the future see a shift back to supporting the Bill of Rights and amendments to the Constitution, or will the Bill of Rights be censored and/or canceled by the radical left due to possible elimination of the system of checks and balances in government (with the possible take-over of the Supreme Court and Congress by the Democrats)?
  • And will the people be subjected to “vaccines” and injections that will continue to mind-control them and influence them, as long as the left keeps rigging elections with their fraud to make it appear as if they were fair?

For these questions, I look at my own past and realize that these attitudes that can destroy the fair and equitable governmental rule of law actually started in the early 1960s. As a young man, I had seen how the Berkley demonstrations affected the ideologies of the young to actually declare a “war” against the older generation and the establishment.

There was a reason why the WWII generation was called “the greatest generation.” This stemmed from common sense, logic, patriotism for the nation and hatred for the totalitarian regimes that had engulfed Europe and Asia during the 1930s and 1940s, and eventually led to WWII.

Now, in addition to the world war and the threat of nuclear war that quickly followed, this generation also worked hard to have their “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” in a post-war world. And all was not roses — not in the least. The Korean War threatened the peace, as well, but some of these members of the greatest generation had to go back into service again to fight the war. If you wish to see how this was resented by some, you should view the movie from the 1950s called “The Bridges of Toko-Ri” — where the futility and the hatred of the war by one member of the generation who was recalled to fight in Korea actually led to his death.

But this generation did not sit on its ass and expect to be handed donations or “reparations” because of their past or the color of their skin. They could use the rights (given by the GI Bill of Rights) to go to college or seek education and training, and then make a good living for themselves and their families. They also know what patriotism was, for they had fought for it and participated in saving it. That is mainly, in my opinion, why this generation valued hard work and the American Dream in pursuing their happiness (and, yes, with the Civil Rights Act to follow later, now every citizen was entitled to share in that dream).

However, as a young man of 15 years of age, I read about the demonstrations by Mario Savio and company began to tear the generation of Boomers apart from Society and demand certain things to which they felt entitled. Yes, this was the beginning of “participation trophies” and entitlement programs based on the color of your skin — that is, entitled but not EARNED. You see, we of that postwar generation who did not follow the protestors and demonstrators of the early 60s had a conviction that you could EARN your success and value. In fact, when I saw that the US Army had switched to wearing black berets, I myself shared in the slogan of showing my own past maroon beret (the symbol of being an Airborne paratrooper, along with bloused boots) with the words “EARNED — not issued.” That was a big difference for us who did not share in the ideologies of the left for which the demonstrators were protesting.

And so things got even worse — as most of the critics and the spokes-holes for the current generation of yuppies and Millennials became even more radical with their entitlement programs, as are now being demonstrated with the ADOS movement of reparations for events that did not even affect them (but only their ancestors) and how ridiculous that is.

So, as you can see, this new generation (what I would call the “lost generation” of the 21st century, as opposed to the “lost generation” of the literary world from 1883 to 1900) does not know what hardship is, or what hard work and its rewards are, or what tragedy and trauma are. Well, you can ask me, who has been in the Vietnam war in the jungles, the rice paddies and the mountains as a combat infantryman — and you shall get an earful of the tragedies and the traumas that I went through and suffered with medical and psychological complications resulting from that combat. But I was able to return, get over it, and continue to work hard, educate myself, value my current situation (especially when you are grateful that you are no longer in combat) and expect nothing but the rewards of my hard work and productivity for me and my family.

But this generation wants to erase all the history of the past in their case for woke. They want to change history and erase the names of those who made our history, as well as get rid of the statues and monuments of those people whom they don’t like. So, just because you are offended or don’t like someone in history or in current day America, I don’t think that gives you the right to force your opinion of changes on the rest of the world. That is the sign of the lost generation, again, trying to force us all to comply with their hurt feelings. I say “get over it” and be a productive citizen who can improve the economy and your own situation. But these folks are like the 1960s demonstrators with their participation trophies who want to force their decisions on the rest of us. And what do we call them? Democrats today.

So, the last thought for today is the hysteria and fear-mongering caused by democrats that can threaten a positive world for us in 2030. I feel that history has shown that the pendulum can swing to the opposite way, once the people have been abused so much.

And that includes the sham-demic or planned-demic or phony virus crisis that the government and media have used to control the population. Bill Gates had established his foundation and Institute for Population control — and these latest jabs (I won’t even call them “vaccines” because they really do not fit the definition of what a real vaccine is) are causing ED and swelling of the scrotum for males and the erosion of the uterus for females. How is that for population control — as Gates said, he wants only 500 million inhabitants for the entire planet, instead of the 9 billion possible.

So what has this generation done in these cases?

  • In the past, we have heard from the show No Agenda that the big pharma companies wanted to call ALL medications that they were peddling as vaccines, since they would not be subject to liability for injuries or death resulting from these “jabs.”
  • And today, this lost generation is trying to shame and force everyone to get the jab or the poke with these shots — without letting the public know what the real consequences and complications will be (including mind-control and manipulation after their DNA has been altered);
  • And, in the end, it is obvious and has been stated that once you have received the jab, you can still get the virus from this sham-demic again.

So, will the year 2030 see a recapture of common sense and a steering away from the government of the left to the right, where elections are no longer rigged and full of fraud by the democrats? And will this lost generation of woke culture be renewed by a new generation of common sense people who will again be on the road to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

We shall see, in the upcoming episodes of the 2030 Podcast.

Thank you for your attention.

We also would like to thank Adam Curry and John C Dvorak of the No Agenda Show, as well as Sir Ryan Bemrose and Darren O’Neill of the Grumpy Old Bens show for featuring us on the

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