In this episode of, we discuss themes that may impact us by the year 2030 — and remind you that BLIND LIVES MATTER and BLUE LIVES MATTER.

First, we refer you briefly to the theme that came out recently in an article by Joseph Mercola titled  “How the News Media taught us to love censorship, hate journalism.”

We felt that this is important because it contains the DNA and the blood and food of the News Media, social media platforms and the Democrats, along with the globalist views. The year 2020 was the scene of this practice by lame-stream media — especially during the “election” campaigns, as the Democrats censored anything coming from the Republicans, while they promoted the Bo-Jiden lame comments, etc.

We recommend that you spend a few minutes reading this article and viewing the few videos from the link given.


Well, the author of this book  was previously an anchor at CNN and CBS News. So she was involved in the lame-stream media. And the major themes of the book revolves around how the viewers are being brainwashed to accept censorship from the lame-stream media.

As this article states: “Social media platforms are openly censoring dissenting views about COVID, particularly its origin and treatment, says author Sharyl Attkisson in her new book on media bias and the deterioration of objective journalism.”

Now, for the year 2030, are we going to be inundated with nothing but propaganda from the lame-stream media, the face-bags, the tweeters of the world, along with more Democrats spinning lies? (e.g., even after the election, Bo-Jiden is still spreading the falsehood about “very fine people” — and you can see for yourself the video in entirety and get the transcript of the video at

Or could this be mended in time to allow freedom of speech, where both sides can be published and heard, so that the people can hear ALL the premises and statements so that they can make up their own minds and use critical thinking?

In the dystopian future of works like 1984 by George Orwell and Soylent Green (the 1970 film), we see the propaganda controlled thoroughly by the Ministry of Truth. Censorship is very firm in its control of facts. And the history from previous times is being changed to support the narrative of the Ministry of Truth.

Can this be the same fate for us in 2030? And will the people act like sheep in this situation, just as they did in the films described, above?

From the newsletter of Manager Tools, Mark Horstman quotes the definition of dystopian in these words:  “I suggest that we would be wise to remember one of the dark, trenchant and poignant elements of George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty Four: “The Memory Hole.”  From Wikipedia: any mechanism for the deliberate alteration or disappearance of inconvenient or embarrassing documents, photographs, transcripts or other records…particularly as part of an attempt to give the impression that something never happened. 
Key word: dystopian.”

Remember that, in those original works, people were not allowed to congregate or assemble freely to have conversations that may include dissent of the narrative given by “big brother” or the corporate oligarchs

In addition to this very important idea that may impact our lives in 2030, we also plan to discuss the following themes in the next few episodes:

  • the number of “travel passports” planned by various international airlines, associations, groups and governments to control travel, so that only people who have been vaccinated can move from one place to another;
  • the fear of curfews for many reasons — not just the scam-demic, but also for climate change and a forced restriction of movement;
  • and several others.

So we hope that you will find value in the post described in this audio episode, as well as the similarities with the dystopian themes of both movies which we described.

In the meantime, we hope that you will fight for your rights and refuse the tyranny of control and curfew and mandatory vaccination.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Dr. Joseph Mercola and Sharyl Attkisson . All rights reserved.