In this very brief bonus episode of, we discuss from our own point of view the tragedy of the 2020 election and the negative situations resulting from what could be the beginning of the downfall of the US — with China and other adversarial nations taking its place.

This theme of this very brief post and episode actually came from the ideas generated by the classic motion picture by Cecil B. DeMille, The 10 Commandments.

In this film, the Pharaoh is confronted by his council members and the military to urge Ramses to set the Hebrews free from their slavery and deliver them to Moses. However, with a change of heart, he does the opposite and becomes more stubborn to keep them in bondage. This hardened heart was due to his wife mocking him with the threat of laughter…

“Do you hear the laughter?…” is how the mockery starts, and it continues with “laughter in Troy [and other cities that once paid homage to Egypt]”…as the mighty Pharaoh must now capitulate to the son of slaves and be humbled.

Well, in the same way, I view the world situation trending to 2030 to be similar with the US becoming weak, brittle, non-competitive with the likes of other adversaries.

I say to you: “Do you hear laughter?  Laughter in China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, …and other adversaries?”

This laughter comes when these nations hear the US media (which is compromised by the radical left) to proclaim Biden as “president-elect” — ironic, since the opposition by the incumbent (Trump) is raising opposition by claiming fraud in the election.

This gives me the same idea. Biden has shown that he is compromised with China — he was in the past; also, he is a criminal from the prior proven facts disclosed with his son, Hunter. But even if he is removed from the office by the 25th amendment that is being solidified by Pelosi, the laughter grows even greater when the result would be Harris taking over as president.

The results from this possible scenario would be devastating for the USA, and it would also result in damage to this nation that would take many years to mend, as well as the removal of Harris and a vote at the next election to replace the democrats.

Does this seem ominous to you? Do you fear what will happen and the damage caused by this possible scenario?

For the year 2030, the globalists and the lone-world governance leaders can make this a trend — that would lead to a failed nation on the verge of socialism. I would equate the results to be similar to Germany in the post-World War I era: utter chaos and the slide toward depression, financial ruin and loss of trust in government.

We shall see what happens with the outcome of the battle between the media and the Biden camp versus the incumbent, Trump, in pursuing the case for fraud in the election by the democrats.

These are my thoughts to share with you for a possible disaster leading to 2030, and we sincerely hope that you will not hear “laughter from Russia, North Korea, Iran, China, Cuba and all the other enemy nations…”

Thank you for your attention.

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