Welcome from myself, Sergeant Fred and my co-host, Matt Cox of BrunchwiththeBrits.net podcast show. In this episode of 2030podcast.com, we would first like to thank Ryan Bemrose of the podcast show, Grumpy Old Bens, for promoting our podcast to the NoAgendaStream.com.

Here, we discuss some of the following themes:

  • How face-recognition technology is being banned today in some jurisdictions — basically for favoring criminals of color in the SJW-based locations that want to prevent profiling;
  • Growing the meme that climate change is the cause of the current plan-demic of Covid;
  • How the conspiracies of the World Health Organization, the United Nations, Governor Newsom of California, as well as the mayor of Los Angeles, and other democrats are echoing the irresponsible meme that climate change caused the plan-demic, as well as the current fires on the West coast;
  • The growth of the theme that ALL natural disasters (including fires) are the result of Climate change — hey, what happened to Greta from Europe?
  • the discussion of whether or not these pathetic themes ever discovered the facts about tektonic plates — do they attribute these to climate change today?
  • How the violence in the cities today and the BLM  movement are very much like the Nazis as depicted in 2 movies: (1) “Hitler’s SS — a portrait of evil” and (2) “The Mortal Storm”; and how these portrayals echo today’s thugs from BLM aggressively assault innocent people in a restaurant;
  • How politicians can be dumb and idiotic enough to say that they are “proud” when it comes to a criminal, when the actions of a criminal are clearly evil — the example with Kamala Harris and Blake.
  • One other topic is that of WHY the lockdown is being forced and re-enforced by the democrats: they and the media need to prevent assembly of people talking (because they can speak the truth and debate and come up with some rational thinking); and then they FORCE everyone to stay at home where the only thing they can consume is the TV and Media — and all they get are democrat talking points, with no debate, because the media supports the narratives of the democrats. No thinking or discussion, just mind control. Note that after the election, all the lockdowns will mysteriously disappear…
  •  the themes from THE SOCIAL DILEMMA documentary that concerned us:
    – the threat of civil war when the radical left keeps polarizing the USA;
  • perhaps the purchase of a self-defense firearm may be in your mind now;
  • the real Nazis in the USA may end up being the thugs from Black Lives Matter, for they have shown by their actions that they intend to annoy, intimidate and assault innocent citizens;
  •  why we should be OTG (off the grid) and have NO social media in our lives (I myself have been out of social media since 2010, and I only use text msg and phone calls).
  • The “catch-all” is climate change for all the social justice warrior and ministry of truth lies from the radical left
  • The similarities between 1984 (George Orwell) and the Social Dilemma themes, pointing to a grim 2030, unless the social monopolies are controlled (as the telephone companies are controlled by limits placed by governmental oversight)
  • How the democrats are calling their future “the Harris administration…” — as the NoAgendaShow.com series describes as “the truth wanting to come out.

And finally, our thanks to our new and current listeners who consumed our content from the noagendastream.com recently, as well as those who are our audience.

Thank you for your attention

Copyright (c) 2030, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Matt Cox. All rights reserved.