In this episode of, his is only Sgt. Fred in a solo-podcaster session to discuss several areas which can be trends toward 2030 at this time:

(1) The trend to monitor elections and nullify those fraught with fraud.

In the episode 53 of this podcast show, we dealt with the topic of nullification for political attempts of tyranny. Now this may go to nullifying election results due to fraud. And so we deliver the prior episode for your review:


And, as you may know, there was a reference to a book on nullification (during the Obama era, with Bo-Jiden on the cover, as well) — and we mention that book in the episode, as well as present the image of the cover here:



(2) The trend to create more scam-demics

These can be created an applied as new “variants” — and all they do is add to the mind-control and forced compliance of b.ehavior (such as lock-downs). They will probably result as phony health mandates (as is the covid-19 dry run to remove our rights and civil liberties as citizens)

(3) The trend to scrutinize and remove Fauci

(and also any future “Fauci-look-alikes” — in order to prevent the confusion and terrible experiences caused by him.)

(4) The trend to investigate, implicate, try and punish Fauci

(for his bad-actor deeds for the CCP-virus ,also known as Covid-19).

(5) The trend to a poor and disastrous response from Bo-Jiden for the invasion and takeover of Taiwan by Communist China.

(6) The trend to create renewed electronic chip-making plants in the USA

In this way, the USA can try to supply its own future chips and not be beholding to China. And this is important because if Taiwan is invaded and taken over by China, then the supply for all chips will be at the hands of the Chinese Communists.

So nullification may be a last resort to oppose the present and future tyranny, and it may be exercised especially for the upcoming elections in this decade to prevent the complete erosion of rights which is the objective of the radical left and Democrats.

We hope that the USA citizens protect their rights by electing competent officials and get away from the radical left loons that are now trying to destroy the USA before 2030.

Thank you for your attention.

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