In this episode of The 2030 Podcast Show, we discuss a trend to 2030 of uncovering the evil that politicians in the USA have done in selling out to China — especially with the possible start of unveiling the crimes of Hunter Biden and the Biden Family, as well as other high level politicians that made billions in selling out to China.

We also touch upon the aspects of reduction of the mandates and the harsh lockdown practices by the federal government and some state governments with the excuse of dealing with the phony sham-demic or scam-demic or planned demic (call it what you will).

And again, it is just myself, Sgt Fred, doing a solo podcast monologue for this episode. And, yes, we are still counting the days until we wait for our co-host, Matt Cox, to return from his overtime during his day-job so that he can join us in these podcast episodes.


How the politicians gave power and might to China for money


From a recent episode of Bill O’Reilly’s podcast of The No Spin News, we find out about a podcast by Lou Dobbs during an interview with Lou. And we dig deeper to discover a book recommended by Lou Dobbs in his podcast show called The Great America Show. It exposes the crimes and the payoffs and the incestuous relationship between the Bidens and the CCP Chinese (as well as the Bush Administration prior to them). The title of the episode is Peter Schweizer ties the Bidens to Red China.

The exposure is in the book by Peter Schweizer called How American elites get rich helping China win. And in the interview with Lou Dobbs in the podcast episode mentioned, he proves how the corruption of the entire Biden family — as well as that of the Bush family — are causing the downfall of the USA, while the corrupt politicians and their families are amounting millions in wealth from the CCP.

We highly recommend that you consume the contents of this book — or at least listen to the audio podcast from Lou Dobbs, so that you can see how Schweizer proves the corruption of the Bidens and the politicians and the harm that they have done to the USA.

Removing some restrictions of the phony mandates and lock-downs

You can see the hypocrisy of the past several weeks, especially when the governor of California (aka Gruesome Newsom) and the Mayor of Los Angeles (Garcetti) both attended a football playoff game at the SoFi stadium — but what is disgusting is that these two who mandate wearing masks and social distancing and other lockdown mechanisms were both happy and cheering at the stadium WITHOUT MASKS and NEXT TO EACH OTHER.

How hypocritical is that?

And these are the ones who should be setting the example for all the draconian measures that they have mandated (just like the kings of the old days when the proclamations applied only to the subjects, but not the royalty). Remember, it was Newsom that was unmasked and in great crowds when he attended dinner in San Francisco’s restaurant without even following his own mandates.

Now, what could this possibly signify? Perhaps an easing of the restrictions, as more and more countries drop all lockdown mandates and remove all hardships with the phony pandemic as the excuse. Yes, Denmark and the UK have removed them … and many of the social media free-speech pundits say it is a movement that will have even the US fall in line, even though Bo-Jiden doesn’t even realize this (remember — BoJiden was not even allowed to take questions at a public meeting, even though he said he would, because his handlers quickly removed him from the public; now, is this a sign of cognitive inability?).

So, for us, we see a possible trend of the cities and states slowly removing the mandates, especially when scientific groups and the CDC now admitting bit by bit that there is no reason for these measures, like wearing of masks, etc. And so the trend to 2030 may be that these measures will all be lifted permanently and that the government has completed its trial run (or dress rehearsal) of mandated compliance of the masses and getting ready with lessons learned for the next big one to occur toward 2030. Remember the eight predictions for 2030 from the World Economic Forum, which were listed  in an earlier episode of this particular show (see episode 96).


So we hope that you can either listen to the free podcast episode from Lou Dobbs in his podcast show in which he interviews Peter Schweizer, or possibly you could order the audio or hardcopy version of the book by the latter — so that you can have a better understanding of the corruption of the Bidens and others in selling out of America to China.

However, we hope that our prediction will be positive in that a change of the USA control will go back to a Congress controlled by Republicans after the mid-term elections — and in that way, the investigations of the Bidens and the other corrupt practices will be made public, so that the people can see the horrible sellout to the CCP.

We also hope that we can look forward to the return of our co-host, Matt Cox, so that we may bring you a more enlightened discussion of our viewpoint of the trends to 2030.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Lou Dobbs and Peter Schweizer. All rights reserved.