As you can see in the show notes, we show the covers of the movies 1984 and Soylent Green, to highlight the arrival of the RELIGIOUS CULT of the JAB.

In this episode of The 2030 Podcast Show, it is a solo episode, as we await the time when our co-host, Matt Cox, can return. And here, we discuss the theme espoused in one of the still free idea streams to promote the idea that the jab has now become a CULT or religion, with the human element of evil and fear dominating the lives of the citizenry, and with possible punishments resulting for those who refuse to take the jabs.

The inspiration for this discussion comes from an episode on the that equated the mandate for the jabs in the early 2020s to the old Christian church that punished (both spiritually and on earth) anyone who did not do what the church mandated when their religious teachings forced people to do whatever they wanted and refused to be manipulated — they were guilty of “heresy” against the teachings of the church (e.g., the Inquisition). So, too, the jabs today are an untested and experimental drug set that people are being told to take into their bodies as a matter of “faith” and not to question it — mainly because one has to take the belief due to the “science.” In fact, there is a podcast that mocks “Saint Fauci” as the deliverer of this salvation (much like Moses coming down with the 10 commandments from Mt. Sinai) — mainly because he said “if you attack me, you attack THE SCIENCE.”

Now, with this movement of the jab taking place (even though you may have natural immunity from the virus), the government is now taking the place of the Pope or Moses or any religion to force the people to succumb to inject the graphene oxide and cancer-causing agents with the jabs, just on the faith that the government and the elites say so.

Now, in this episode that I heard on the, we see that the movement to have everyone take the jab is exactly like the promotion of the Christians to Christianize the savages (i.e., the native Americans and native Africans) in the New World or colonies) by forcing them to adopt this narrative and hide behind the mantra of “the science.”

A parallel can be made, as well, with the Nazi regime of the 1930s and 1940s as the German promoters forced the people of Europe to adopt their propaganda and to succumb to their whims — even to the point of being fooled (if they were Jews, for example) that they would be resettled — when they were in actuality being sent to concentration camps and death camps).

Or we can look to an older comparison — the people and government that espouse the jabs are just like the ancient Romans who wanted to eradicate the Christians by rounding them up, keeping them out of society, demonizing them and then finally throwing them to the lions in the Colesium.

In any case, the dummying-down of the citizenry and the brainwashing of the children are occurring in the society today and are critical through the schools with their Critical Race Theory instructions that are sanctifying the manipulation of the citizenry to the Democrat governments. So the people become first sheep, then slaves — they will succumb to the tyranny in the name of “science.”

Please remember that the “science” was the big lie that dominated the “Ministry of Truth” in the novel and movie called 1984 from the ideas of George Orwell. This ministry of truth now dominates the lame-stream media and social media (and their oligarch elites) and tries to convince the public that only their narrow-minded narrative is the truth because they label it as “science.”

So what do we see as a trend to 2030?

Well, there is still a strong and silent majority that are refusing to accept the narrative of the jabs and do not want to be manipulated by the evil Democrats and elites. So they will be promoting human reason versus the “religion” (which has really grown to become a CULT). And these same people refuse to be a part of what is called “the Satanic States of America.” In fact, they will turn against the democrats and the government — especially  when we see the elites violating their own mandates — e.g., seeing Bo-Jiden and his spouse not wearing the mask, which is against the law in D.C., while they mandate the masks and the jabs that they impose. It is the same thing as what was being promoted in the 1960s by the socialist movements — you may remember that the agitators and leaders of the left were basically saying “Communism for the rest of you” which did not mean it encompassed them, for they were going to be chosen few oligarchs.

So do we see a refusal to follow the “Saint Fauci” or “Pope Fauci” or “Reverend Fauci” as he still spews contradictions from his evil mouth, after having helped to develop the virus in China?

I do think that this battle will continue to 2030, and that the federal government may change from human reason and return to it after a duel — due to the elections of one party or the other. And we will probably see other “Saint Fauci’s” develop and promote themselves (maybe in the form of Betos or other democrats). And if there is a change to the other party, we may once again see a trend to the lame-stream media becoming more truthful so that podcasts will not be the only deliverables to espouse the truth and free speech to the public. As one episode of The Up is Down Podcast show, with Dean Reiner, there is an audio clip that states “The Covid pandemic is NEVER going to end.”

So, we will wait for the return of human reason and the downfall of this dangerous CULT or religion of the jab that is being promoted by the elites and the democrats in government.

We say to hell with Bo-Jiden and his hypocritical administration, and we say “long live human reason, freedom, liberty and never-a-jab.” We shall see the trends to 2030.

Thank you for your attention.

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