In this episode of the 2030 podcast show, we discuss the oncoming trend worldwide to control and curb the power and influence of the social media platforms, the media and the Silicon Valley oligarchs so that fair and adequate and real reporting and freedom of speech is promoted rather than prohibited by the self-appointed masters of the platforms.

As we have seen how the media and the social media oligarchs of Silicon Valley have determined the outcome of the election (along with the mail-in voting fraud that occurred by the criminal actions of the democrats who deny it and will not even allow anyone to speak their mind about the possibility of fraud), we now see that there are movements that are occurring to curb the power of these oligarchs by even government regulation:

  • For instance, in the Randumb Thoughts podcast show, we hear about how Poland has legislated the mandatory telling of truth and the freedom of speech and punishment of censorship, banning and shadow-banning of people and situations; Also, Hungary and possibly, the EU may join the movement.
  • Also, the newsletter from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has stated that there are now movements and actions as a “Wave of censorship spurs demands to break up Big Tech’s monopoly;”
  • control of the billionaire companies by governments outside the US may grow, as well — e.g., Australia;
  • And finally, the clamor from the legislators in the US Congress to investigate the negative impact of censorship by these big tech monopolies and create laws to enforce equal representation and prohibit censorship to the appalling grade to which it has grown today; and also
  • The coverage by certain channels to make citizens be aware of the dangers of these vaccines against the “scam-demic” — which are really excuses to inject people with the micro-chip from Bill Gates to manipulate them and mind-control them.

We have all seen what the media, the social media and the radical left-wing democrats have done to promote censorship based on ideologies. This is the same practice that was used by the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s, especially by Goebbels and Hitler. The democrats are no different, nor are the social media monopolies of Silicon Valley and the media (which do not even deserve to be called “news” channels).

And this is not the first time that a president was either “bought” or

placed into the white house by the media and the money from certain interest groups. You may reflect that, in 1896, the industry trusts under JP Morgan, Rockefeller and Carnegie protected their slave-driven monopolies by literally “buying the president” (as was stated by J.P. Morgan in the documentary of the History Channel called “The Men who Built America.” Here, they all contributed money so that ALL  the media (the press at that time) would be promoting William McKinley for president. And because of the mammoth involvement of both money for media, as well as the negative threats from the monopolies to fire or lay off anyone who would vote for the Populist candidate, William Jennings Bryan, the vote went to McKinley on 2 accounts (until the second-term president was killed by an assassin’s bullet).

So this is not new, but just revived with differences in the media and the billions spent by special interest lobby groups and billionaires (like Soros, Zuckerberg, google, twitter, etc.), as well as the talking points repeated in the media to the sheep of voters in the “news” (which were really not news, but just brain-washing media).

But now, it appears that a trend may start — after all, the people all over the world have also noticed how unbalanced and unfair this censorship and banning by the media and social media can be. And so, country by country, we see a trend toward 2030 that can possibly revive the concept of freedom of speech and have censorship halted by government legislation (perhaps in the US after the reign of the fraudulently elected Bo-Jiden ends).

We sincerely hope that this could return, where balanced and real reporting can exist once again (not this phony brainwashing delivery of memes by the media) and where people can say what they feel and have an equal voice in the topics for ALL citizens and all peoples to express their minds.

As far as the media goes for covering the sham-demic, more people are now asking themselves if they want to follow in the footsteps of almost 100 people who have died after taking the vaccines of this phony scam-demic. After all, do you want to follow in the footsteps of Hank Aaron, who took the vaccine to promote it to the black audiences, but who also died of it 2 weeks later? Perhaps this is what Bill Gates really wanted.

Our advice is to ask yourself: do you want to join Hank Aaron at this time, just because the media has been trying to brainwash you, and because the left-wing radical democrats are encouraging you to take this unproven content and inject it in your body?

Thank  you for your attention.

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